Wednesday, March 08, 2006


So, I've been thinking a lot lately, about the blog and how it's gotten me into so much trouble. Part of me wants to just stop, but then I get wonderful comments and such support from you people, that I can't say goodbye!

So here's what I want to do:

The other three "grow some" girls aren't posting anymore, so this has really become an outlet for me alone. But all their posts are here, in the archives, so I don't feel comfortable "taking over" this blog either...

I think I need to start fresh. Start a new blog, that it won't be the end of the world if people find it. Focus on other aspects of my life as well, not just dating--I never share much about my acting life, because I don't want people to put two and two together. But it'll still be anonymous enough that I won't be paranoid about posting my thoughts.

What do you think? Any ideas for a new title?


At 3/08/2006 3:04 PM, Blogger a.nort said...

aw,'re one of the blogs i HAVE to read daily, and you want to quit?! nooooooooooooooooooo!
But yeah, ok, i understand. i hope you do continue under a new name.
(sorry, no ideas--my cat is named kitty. yeah. 'nough said.)

At 3/08/2006 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to lose reading your blog...really enjoy it. To be honest with you...I dont think the Brit read your blog...most men would just shrug it off and never bother to look...especially British ones...I have dated a few. I would love to keep reading your stuff, and hope you change your mind!

At 3/08/2006 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I think that is an amazing idea, I understand your paranoia though.. I seriously live in constant fear of being 'discovered', but if you can strike some sort of a balance go for it...

A name? Something that directly represents you and your personality... do you have a nickname?

At 3/08/2006 4:54 PM, Blogger The Team said...

What about adding something to the front of your blog like:

WARNING GENTLEMEN: If you think this might be the blog of the gal you went out with last night, read at your own risk.

These are honest observations. Your best stop reading now, unless you never wanted to see me again. (In that case, I probably wrote some really juicy stuff about you below.)

At 3/08/2006 5:18 PM, Blogger . said...

Snob, I LOVE it.

At 3/08/2006 7:27 PM, Blogger James said...

I like this 'blog: it has a nice ring to it: the name is cute. Do you really want to cause the long-term disruption of changing it? After all, if people can find this one, then they'll be able to find the next one (and, if they can't, you'd be losing your entire fan-base, which would rather defeat the point, wouldn't it?).

At 3/08/2006 11:27 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

A move might be a nice way to make a fresh start.

What about Pretty Polly? You've been referred to that before!

At 3/09/2006 12:07 AM, Blogger Damn It Anyway said...

Yes!! I'd love to read more about your acting and non dating life. We need as much Kristin info as possible.
How can I stalk you unless I get more details?
Any thoughts for the name of the new blog?

At 3/09/2006 8:24 AM, Blogger Twanna A. Hines | said...

Ditto coatman: if they found this one, they can find the others. My vote? Keep the same domain (growsome), but change the template so that it reflects you.

Good luck with whichever way you decide to go! If you move, you'll have to let me know where to find you. I'm not as good your boys are at the Blog Detective Work. :)

At 3/09/2006 9:52 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

I'm with Snob too...All you are doing is being honest with your experiences. If a guy chooses to read be it if he drops of the radar because he doesn't like what's in's totally his loss!

Plus, you should talk more about acting, friends, etc. anyway...mix it up a bit and the dating stuff will be in a bigger context.

At 3/09/2006 6:45 PM, Blogger Diane Mandy said...

Boo! And I just stumbled on to your site. :-( If you ever want to contribute to another site, feel free to join me. I never intended it to be one single woman's blog and have been unsuccessful in recruiting my other single friends.

At 3/09/2006 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, the last time I checked, there were no anon comments. So this is special. So, I've got no ideas for a title, but I'd make it a bit more obscure, and certainly tell less people. It's been fun and enlightening, so I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do. I'd try for an acting sort of title for the blog, something like 'non method life' or 'Method to madness in NYC' Something like that. Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'

At 3/10/2006 2:04 AM, Blogger Mitch said...

Well, from the other coast, I hope you'll keep this blog going - perhaps redesign it, but it's a great blog and you've got alot to share - as for potential boyfriends reading your blog, it's their issue, I don't think it's yours...

Just my two cents from Vancouver...aka Hollywood North.

At 3/10/2006 10:35 AM, Blogger K said...

I cannot believe with my very late entry into the blogosphere I'm just discovering this site at its end. How lame am I?

Please keep on--you're so good!

At 3/10/2006 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should keep writing about dating. I just started reading it today (found it through the seduction community), and I find your adventures intriguing.
So what if someone you are dating found your dating blog? Anyone worth your time will respect your opinions as they are expressed, and weigh them with due consideration to the media and motivations toward their posting. Who wouldn't love dating a girl with a strong eye for narrative? Please keep writing.

At 3/10/2006 3:24 PM, Blogger AWE said...

I get busy, don't read my daily blogs for a few days, and the world goes to hell.

No, No, No, you will not stop writing, in fact you need to write more. Who cares if some guy read your blog, just try to keep the really personal info out of it like fights, etc.

If you decide to move let me know. Here is a thought for a title, you can read it a couple of different ways, "Acting Blonde in NYC". Then your address could be "actblondnnyc".

At 9/21/2009 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't stop blogging keep it up!


At 1/30/2010 5:55 AM, Blogger BigFoot said...

Check out:


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